St. Petersburg Rear-End Collision

There were 1.7 million rear-end collisions in the U.S. in 2015, accounting for 28% of all traffic crashes. Over a million people lost their lives in those accidents, and another 500,000 suffered serious harm. Sadly, most rear end collisions are preventable and are caused by speeding, distraction, drunk driving and aggressive driving.

man and women at rear end collision accident

When you are injured in a car accident, call Lewis & Castagliola at 727-343-3477 to speak to a rear end collision lawyer. We are determined to provide car accident victims with the tenacious advocacy they deserve. Don’t let the insurance companies take advantage of you.

What You Need To Know About Rear-End Collisions

A rebuttable presumption in rear end collisions is an assumption made by a court that the driver who committed the rear-ending is at fault unless an eyewitness or other evidence proves otherwise. That means that in most cases the driver in the trailing vehicle is at fault for the car accident and liable for the front driver’s damages except in rare circumstances such as:

  • The front driver’s brake lights don’t work
  • The front driver applies the brakes to force the driver behind to slow down or stop/ following too closely
  • The vehicle in front broke down and the driver hadn’t moved it to the side of the road
  • The lead driver suddenly drove their car in reverse

What You Might Need to Do After a Rear-End Collision

The steps you should take after a rear end collision are the same as you would for any other car accident. First, you should always call 911 to report the accident and any injuries. You should check on the other driver, their passengers and if there were any other road users affected, like pedestrians.

You should not blame the other driver, take responsibility, apologize or discuss the car accident with the other driver. You will have an opportunity to give a statement when the police arrive. Your statement should only include facts like what you recall seeing and hearing before, during and after the impact. Additionally, you must exchange contact information, driver’s license numbers and auto insurance information with the other driver, and get contact information from any witnesses. Otherwise, you do not and should not engage in conversation with the other driver.

Use your phone to take pictures of the damage to your vehicle and where the accident happened. You should capture tire marks, street signs and any other factors that could have contributed to your crash. Videos are also very helpful.

You could suffer serious injuries in a rear-end collision. You should go to the nearest emergency room as soon as possible. You’re more likely to get better results if you seek medical attention within 14 days of the accident.

Next, you should hire a rear-end collision layer immediately. Some of our clients even call us from the hospital or as soon as they get home. The sooner that we can get started on your car accident case before you talk to the insurance company, the better it could be for you. We can be your advocate and protect you from the insurance company so that you get the maximum compensation possible for your losses.

Call Our Legal Team Today for a Consultation

It’s absolutely free to schedule a case evaluation with a rear-end collision lawyer from Lewis & Costagliola. During this meeting, we determine if you have a valid claim, and if so, discuss how to file a car accident case. We go over what evidence we will need to prove your damages (e.g., medical records, invoices for car repairs), what relevant Florida laws apply to your case, and an estimate of how long we think it will take to settle your claim. We do not get paid unless we win your case, so don’t hesitate to call 727-343-3477 right now and schedule your meeting with a rear-end collision lawyer from Lewis & Castagliola.

Establishing And Proving Fault In a Rear-end Collision

Florida follows a comparative negligence system which means that a plaintiff can collect compensation based on the assigned percentage of fault determined by the court. This also means that you need an experienced rear-end collision lawyer who has successfully represented other St. Petersburg clients and can fight for you to receive the maximum by proving the other driver’s negligence.

It’s crucial to prove who was at fault and, therefore, liable to pay a proportional amount of damages to the other party. If more than one person was at fault for the accident, then the court will determine who should get what damages. For example, if one driver was following the vehicle in front too closely, but the driver in front was on their cell phone at the time of the accident, then both will be considered partially at fault. 

Types of evidence that can be admissible in a car accident case include:

  • The police report
  • Eyewitness testimony
  • Testimony from an expert witness
  • Your medical records
  • Photos from the scene of the accident
  • Bills, receipts, and invoices from expenses related to your injuries

Common Injuries Sustained in Rear-End Collisions

Rear end collisions cause different types of injuries, one of the most common being whiplash. The motion of the neck after impact is like a whip cracking, stretching the muscles, tendons and ligaments in the process. Whiplash is not life-threatening but extremely painful and makes it difficult for the injured victim to sleep, sit up or turn their neck. It can also cause shoulder pain and migraines. 

Among the most serious injuries are traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and spinal cord injuries. Symptoms of TBI include headache, vomiting, nausea, ringing in the ears, blurred vision and loss of consciousness. TBI can range from mild concussions to severe and permanent brain damage like coup-contrecoup brain injuries, diffuse axonal injuries or even coma. Spinal cord injuries can lead to paralysis either affecting the whole body or lower extremities. The point of impact in rear-end collisions is behind the driver and passengers, severe back and spinal cord injuries are common.

In severe rear end collisions, the vehicle occupants can suffer crush injuries when their car is crumpled. Their limbs and torso can be crushed against the dashboard or other car components. Crush injuries may require the toes, feet, fingers or limbs to be amputated.

Broken bones can require surgeries to heal and repair the bone. Followed by months of rest. The victim will also require physical therapy to help regain strength and control over muscle movements. You may be required to attend physical therapy visits for a year or two, depending on the severity of your broken bone injuries.

St. Petersburg Rear-End Collision Accident Lawyers

A rear-end collision lawyer can help you recover compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, damaged vehicle and pain and suffering. An attorney can fight for you to receive noneconomic damages to compensate you for the mental anguish you have suffered as a result of the accident. You may be eligible to receive higher compensation for your subjective, non-financial losses if you have suffered feelings of depression, difficulty sleeping and loss of enjoyment of life since your rear end collision.

Most importantly, we provide legal guidance during a very difficult period of your life. Getting injured in a St. Petersburg car accident is distressing. That’s why Lewis & Castagliola are here for you and will be here for you throughout the entire process, communicating with you every step of the way so you know what is happening with your case. Call 727-343-3477 now to schedule your free consultation with a rear-end collision lawyer so we can advise you of your rights under Florida law and help you move forward with life.